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임베디드시스템(IS Lab.)

Embedded System on Chip Lab.

  • 학위 : 한림대학교 학사, 광주과학기술원 석사/박사
  • 경력 : Univ. of Cambridge 연구원, UCLA 방문연구원, 광주과학기술원 연구교수
  • 교육분야 : 논리설계/컴퓨터구조/임베디드HW
  • 연구분야 : VLSI/SoC, 멀티코어프로세서
  • 이메일 : jeonggun.lee@hallym.ac.kr
  • 연구실 : 성호관 1306호
  • 실험실 : 성호관 1201호
Introduction ↦ Motivation
  • "Multi-Core" Architecture?
    • A multi-core CPU (or chip-level multiprocessor, CMP) combines two or more independent cores into a single package composed of a single integrated circuit(IC) called a die, or more dies packaged together

      - Wikipedia

  • Why do we need it?
    • Moore's gab / Diminishing return
    • Low power / Reliability
  • Why Multi-Core? - Diminishing return
Our Missions
  • Core partitioning of a multi-core under workload & resource constraints
    • Provide a simple performance, energy & process-variation model for multi-core Design Space Exploration
    • Suggest insights on optimal core size and number of cores

      Impacts of combining width other low power design techniques

    Analytical & Simulation Model / Rent's rule Amdohl's law / smae amount of resources but, different configuration 확대
  • In this talk,
    • Develop asymptotic analysis models of Performance / Energy / Process-Variation-Aware Multi-core architectures with resource-constraints(i.e. constant die area)
    • Optimize multi-core configurations based on the models
Core Partitioning for performance
  • Speedup of resource-constrained multi-cores
    확대 확대 확대
  • Optimum "core size" and "# of cores"
Decision Equation for Multicore
  • When the condition "#COpt > 2" is satisfied?
    • The case where the multi-core cna be a preferred solution
연구 내용
  • 멀티코어 프로세서 분석 및 설계
  • 비동기 회로 설계
  • FPGA를 이용한 회로 고속화
  • VLSI/CAD 개발
공동 연구


최근 연구 논문
  • "Exploration of Power-Delay Tradeoffs with Heterogeneous Adders by Integer Linear Programming," In Jounal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol 18, No. 4PP.787-800, June 2009.
  • "A Performance/Energy Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Core Archiectures with Voltage Scaling Techniques," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E93-A, No.6, pp.1215-1225, June 2010.
  • "472 MHz Throughput Asynchronous FIFO Design On a Virtex-5 FPGA Device," IEICE ELEX, May 2011.