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Advanced Education in Global Studies

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글로벌 융합대학은 글로벌 비즈니스 전공 정보법과학 전공의 글로벌학부를 중심으로 구성되었습니다.

지식의 융합과 글로벌 파트너십을 증진시키고자 영어로 수업을 제공하며 국외 유수대학과의 교류협력을 통해 

해외연수프로그램(SAP)을 운영하고 있습니다.  특히 글로벌학부에는 영어특기자 전형으로 학생을 선발하고 있어 

해외 유학경험이 있는 학생들이나 향후 해외 진출을 희망하는 학생들이 주로 진학하고 있습니다

글로벌 융합대학은 학생들의 글로벌화를 지향하며 미국영국독일네델란드 등의 교환학생들도 글로벌학부에 소속되어 함께 공부하고 있습니다.

The goals of the School of Global Studies, Hallym University are to foster students to be internationally able talented persons in each major field of study in educating them. The students in the School of Global Studies get to develop their capabilities as global talented persons by completing major classes with the systematic foreign language education.

When they become seniors, they take another step towards their goals by graduating from the university with necessary professional knowledge and skills based on these experiences. Above all, the important points are to be able to develop sense and sensibility as the global talented persons through the curriculums of 4 years. And they will be born again as the important talented persons who can make a contribution to society. All the professors and staff members in the School of Global Studies will generously support students to strengthen their spirit of challenge and solve difficulties that they can experience in the curriculums. These differentiated efforts of the School of Global Studies will be the foundation to maximize individual students' ability with special interests and under the guidance of professors.