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Hallym University, SW education program 'AI coding drone with parents' operation

  • Views 1298
  • Writer Global Engagement Center
  • 작성일 22.06.17

Hallym University, SW education program ' AI coding drone with parents ' operation

The eight week program has been operating every Saturday since May 21st.


□ Hallym University SW Centered University Project Group has been running a software education program with the theme of ' AI Coding Drone with Parents' with Gangwon-do for 8 weeks every Saturday from May 21st. 

□ This program started due to positive feedback from the graduates who participated in the ' Gangwon-do public SW coding camp ' conducted last year. 

□ The program currently in operation is 'AI Coding Drone’, which controls drone flight by writing algorithms based on computational thinking and uses sensors to understand the basics of autonomous flight, such as object avoidance. 

□ Lee Dongjin, a research professor at the SW Centered University Project, said, “SW education provides children with opportunities to grow as SW talents by inducing interest in SW.” We hope that this program will be used as an opportunity to further develop their curiosity.” 

□ Meanwhile, Hallym University's SW Centered University Project Group utilizes Hallym’s excellent university education infrastructure to create clubs / project-based elementary and middle school programs for nurturing future talents. 

The full original article can be viewed here on Hallym main Korean website.