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General Announcement

[Graduate School] Notes for successful applicants for Fall 2021 (Round 2)

  • Views 759
  • Writer 글로벌협력센터
  • 작성일 21.07.13

★ Successful applicants have been personally informed of the result by email.


Please follow the steps below.


1. Submit your scholarship application between July 14 and July 16, after contacting your advising professor and finding out which scholarship can be awarded (R.A. Scholarship, T.A. Scholarship, Scholarship A or etc.).


*If you are undertaking paid employment at a different institution simultaneously, this may invalidate any scholarships/financial aide awarded to you by Hallym.


2. Make sure you haven’t missed out any necessary document such as Apostille certificates (or documents verified by a Korean consulate), official language certificate and etc. 


3. Pay the tuition between July 21 and July 23 (Entrance fee will not be waived even if you get a full-tuition scholarship). 


*The exact amount of the tuition and the bank account number will be informed in due course.


4. Get your certificate of admission and a certificate of scholarship issued by the university. The original documents will be sent to your postal address written on your application. But we cannot move this forward before you complete your document submission (see above, No.2).


*If you fail to complete your document submission and finally decide to withdraw your registration, please send an application for withdrawal by August 20 so that your entrance fee and tuition could be refunded. 


5. Apply for your visa in the Korean Embassy in your country. Before you visit the Embassy, please contact them first and check the list of necessary requirements for visa application.


6. Book your flight and let us know your itinerary. Also, you should look for and secure your space for 14-day self-isolation whether you have been vaccinated or not. 


7. Sign up for courses between August 23 and August 27, after you discuss with your advising professor about the courses. 

"파일 명이 길 경우 브라우저 특성상 파일명이 잘릴 수 있습니다."