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노화 및 퇴행성신경질환연구실

Lab of Aging & Neurodegenerative Diseases

Eun-Kyoung Choi, Ph.D. (Director)

Research Interests

1. Molecular mechanism of brain aging and neurodegeneration 

2. Peptidylarginine deiminase-mediated protein citrullination and its inhibitor screening

3. Development and characterization of citrullinated protein-specific antibodies and biomarkers for the diagnosis of aging and various diseases

4. Prion pathogenesis and development of therapeutic agent for prion diseases


1. Kim D, Kim M, Kim J, Baek K, Park H, Park S, Kang BM, Kim S, Kim MJ, Mostafa MN, Maharjan S, Shin HE, Lee MH, Il Kim J, Park MS, Kim YS, Choi EK, Lee Y, Kwon HJ. A mouse xenograft long-term replication yields a SARS-CoV-2 Delta mutant with increased lethality. J Med Virol. 2024 Feb;96(2):e29459. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29459.

2. Choi YG, Jang B, Park JH, Choi MW, Lee GY, Cho DJ, Kim HY, Lim HK, Lee WJ, Choi EK, Kim YS. Radotinib decreases prion propagation and prolongs survival times in models of prion disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jul 31;24(15):12241. doi: 10.3390/ijms241512241.

3. Kim MJ, Kim JH, Jung JH, Kim SE, Kim HS, Jang MK, Park SH, Lee MS, Suk KT, Kim DJ, Choi EK, Park JW. Serum S100B Levels in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jan 17;13(3):333. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13030333.

4. Kim DH, Kim J, Lee H, Lee D, Im SM, Kim YE, Yoo M, Cheon YP, Bartz JC, Son YJ, Choi EK, Kim YS, Jeon JH, Kim HS, Lee S, Ryou C, Nam TG. Synthesis and antiprion aggregation activity of acylthiosemicarbazide analogues. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2023 Dec;38(1):2191164. doi: 10.1080/14756366.2023.2191164. 

5. Kim MJ, Kim HJ, Jang B, Kim HJ, Mostafa MN, Park SJ, Kim YS, Choi EK. Impairment of neuronal mitochondrial quality control in prion-induced neurodegeneration. Cells. 2022 Sep 2;11(17):2744. doi: 10.3390/cells11172744.

6. Kim MJ, Cho YA, Kim E, Choe JY, Park JW, Lee J, Lee JW, Moon SH, Kim YS, Kim SE, Choi EK. Cellular Prion Protein Is Closely Associated with Early Recurrence and Poor Survival in Patients with HCC. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Jul 5;12(7):1635. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12071635.

7. Cha S, Sin MJ, Kim MJ, Kim HJ, Kim YS, Choi EK, Kim MY. Involvement of Cellular Prion Protein in Invasion and Metastasis of Lung Cancer by Inducing Treg Cell Development. Biomolecules. 2021 Feb 15;11(2):285. doi: 10.3390/biom11020285.

8. Park SJ, Lee YJ, Park JH, Jin HT, Choi MJ, Jung CG, Akatsu H, Choi EK, Kim YS. Establishment of Method for the Determination of Aggregated α-Synuclein in DLB Patient Using RT-QuIC Assay. Protein Pept Lett. 2021;28(1):115-120. doi: 10.2174/0929866527666200420105352.

9. Park JW, Kim MJ, Kim SE, Kim HJ, Jeon YC, Shin HY, Park SJ, Jang MK, Kim DJ, Park CK, Choi EK. Increased Expression of S100B and RAGE in a Mouse Model of Bile Duct Ligation-induced Liver Fibrosis. J Korean Med Sci. 2021 Apr 12;36(14):e90. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2021.36.e90.

10. Jang B, Kim MJ, Lee YJ, Ishigami A, Kim YS, Choi EK. Vimentin citrullination probed by a novel monoclonal antibody serves as a specific indicator for reactive astrocytes in neurodegeneration. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2020 Dec;46(7):751-769. doi: 10.1111/nan.12620.

11. Jang B, Jeon YC, Shin HY, Lee YJ, Kim H, Kondo Y, Ishigami A, Kim YS, Choi EK. Myelin Basic Protein Citrullination, a Hallmark of Central Nervous System Demyelination, Assessed by Novel Monoclonal Antibodies in Prion Diseases. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Apr;55(4):3172-3184. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0560-0.