
전진희 교수


연락처    033-248-1868

• 연구실    사회경영1관 10401호 

e-Mail    jjun@hallym.ac.kr


- Texas A&M University (Doctor of Philosophy) 


- 한림대학교 경영대학 경영학과 교수

- 한림대학교 미래융합스쿨 융합관광경영전공 주임교수

- 한림대학교 관광레저연구소 소장

- 미국 텍사스 A&M 대학교, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Lab, 선임연구원

- 미국 텍사스 A&M 대학교, 강사

- 미국 캘리포니아 펜실베니아 대학교, Teaching 교수

- Social Class, Crowding and Coping in Outdoor Recreation 1 [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2024]
- The Influence of Motivation and Constraints on the Attitudes toward Resource Management of National Parks [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2023]
- 야외 여가활동 참여자의 장소애착심과 환경책무의 관계제주곶자왈도립공원 인근 거주민과 관광객 비교연구 [한국여가레크리에이션학회지, 2023]
- Exploring the Relationship Between Motivation, Enduring Leisure Involvement and Social Class [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2023]
- Exploring Relationships Between Socio-demographic Characteristics, Motivation, Past Visitation, Satisfaction and Environmental Attitudes via Visitor Segmentation [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2023]
- Socioeconomic Status and Outdoor Recreation Participation [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2023]
- 여가동기와 아웃도어레크리에이션 관계에 미치는 사회계층 조절 효과 ?한국여가레크리에이션학회지、 2022]
- The Relationship between Leisure Identity, Social Class and Negotiation Strategy Use [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2021]
- An Examination of the Relationship between Place Attachment, Leisure Constraints and Behavioral Loyalty [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2021]
- The Moderating Role of Social Class on the Relationship between Leisure Identity, Leisure Constraints and Participation  [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2020]
- Understanding the relationships between consumptive orientation, coping, satisfaction and intention to revisit [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2018]
- An Examination of the relationship between commitment, place attachment and coping [Korean Journal of Sports Science, 2017]
- Exploring the relationship between leisure motivation and enduring involvement: A moderation effect of gender [Journal of Leisure Studies, 2015]
- 자연친화적 레크리에이션 장소 방문객의 장소대체의지 예측 변인에 관한 연구[한국체육과학회지, 2015]
- An alternate conceptualization of the leisure constraints measurement model: Formative structure? [Journal of Leisure Research] (SSCI: 2015 JLR 최우수 논문상 수상)
- An identity-based conceptualization of recreation specialization[Journal of Leisure Research, [Journal of Leisure Research, 2015] (SSCI: 2015 JLR 최우수 논문상 후보)
- Repositioning Identity in Conceptualizations of Human-Place Bonding. [Environment and Behavior, 2014] (SSCI)
- An Examination of the Relationship between Identity, Enduring Involvement, Leisure Constraints and Participation. [Korean journal of sports science, 2014]
- 수상스포츠 참여자의 활동 방해요소에 대한 스트레스 인지와 대처행동 선택: 장소귀속감의 조절효과 검증. [여가학연구 2014]
- The role of recreation specialization in the development of place attachment. [Korean Journal of Leisure Recreation & Park 2013]
- Gender identity, leisure identity and leisure participation [Journal of Leisure Research, 2012] (SSCI).
- Reassessing the structure of enduring leisure involvement [Leisure Sciences, 2012] (SSCI).
- Understanding the role of identity in the constriant negotiation process [Leisure Sciences, 2011] (SSCI).
- The effect of identity conflict/facilitation on the experience of constraints to leisure and constraint negotiation. [Journal of Leisure Research, 2011] (SSCI).
- Place, community and firewise behavior [Society & Natural Resources, 2010] (SSCI).
- Market segmentation using perceived constraints [Journal Park and Recreation Administration, 2009]

Constraints to art museum attendance [Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 2008]

기타 : 주요 수상

-최우수 논문상: Journal of Leisure Research (SSCI) Paper of the Year 2015